The Montessori-Based Approach

About Montessori 

The Montessori approach, which embraces the philosophy and the principles developed by Doctor Maria Montessori, offers students opportunities to develop in a safe and prepared environment. Students work independently and in small groups throughout the classroom and in the outdoor environment as they explore materials at their own pace.

Staff Values

Kinderhaus staff values the development of the whole child; physical, emotional, social, and cognitive. The staff models safe and kind behavior while guiding students to make respectful choices and build positive relationships.


Respectful Environment

Kinderhaus students work in a kind and stimulating environment where they learn to respect each other and the staff. In addition, students begin to take care of personal belongings and school materials in order to develop respect for the classroom.

Prepared Environment

Kinderhaus staff carefully prepare each classroom for the students. The content is organized and the materials are available for the students to work with independently. As a result, the students learn to respect the classroom work, return items to the correct space, and help to maintain a clean environment.

The Montessori preschool classroom has several areas for students to explore: practical life, sensorial, language, science, mathematics, art, and culture.

Classroom Ownership

Kinderhaus students have the ability to move around the classroom and choose material to work independently or with a small group. The structure offers“freedom within limits.” Classroom staff spend time observing the students and offering support if needed. Student materials are practiced and mastered before new work is introduced.

Preparation For Life

Kinderhaus students develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence as they work within the Montessori-based classroom. Additionally, students learn to solve problems, regulate emotions and listen to others as they develop skills that will support them as they grow into adulthood.